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12 Dec

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #4: Stop Dragon My Heart Around

Here we are again with another go-‘round with the Gregarious Gamers! In this issue, we’re back to the Zantabulous Land of Zo, where we conclude the 2(3)-part adventure we started (continued) last week (two weeks ago). Confused? Don’t be. Just listen to last week’s issue, and all will become clear.

BLINDGEEK: Figgis the Newt (Figgis Newton)
CHRIS: Thomas Quinn (incorrectly named in my opening dialogue; sorry, Chris)
NIKKI: Princess Zephyr (Much too royal for a mere parenthetical!)
PAT: Hickery & Dickery (What *is* it with dwarves coming across princesses in these stories, anyway?)

Links Pertaining to This Issue:
Zorcerer of Zo – The game we find ourselves playing in this issue
Decoder Ring Theater – An amazingly good and pulpy audio-drama podcast you owe it to yourself to check out
Tri Tac Games Podcast – A podcast put out by the company responsible for Fringeworthy and other awesome games, and who we call friend
Flingshot Flying Monkey – An inaugural-podcast/early-Christmas present from Mrs. BlindGeek, and MTMJ’s new unofficial mascot
Hex Games Holiday bundles – Spread a bunch of holiday cheer–with these games, some pretzels, and a whole lot of beer!
Zombiality – A link of EXTREME IMPORTANCE!, but you’ll have to listen to this issue to find out why!

Promos Played In This Issue:
Disney Indiana
All Games Considered
Brunch with the Brits

Also, keep your ears open for details about a small but fun contest we’re running … and also, stick around at the end for a wee surprise … a sort of DVD extra, if you will.

Enjoy the issue … and thanks for listening.

5 Dec

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #3: Princesses, Newts, and Bears, Oh My!

Yes, it’s that time again. Time to curl up with your favorite stuffed animal, loved one, or furry pet of your choice, and listen to a new episode of Monkeys Took My Jetpack. This time, we are playing the fairy-tale role-playing game Zorcerer of Zo. The cast becomes apparent when you listen, so I won’t be redundant about it here. And since there’s only one more link to speak of regarding this issue, rather than set it off in its own section, I’ll just give it to you in this same paragraph. Do yourself a favor and check out Hex Games’s latest product, FratBoys Vs. We announced it in the podcast, so we figured it best to include a link to it. I can tell you that I, for one, am *very* excited about playing it at some point.

As always, thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy this issue.

Persons of Interest:

Red Herring Illustration (Jeffery Johnson)

4 Dec

QAGS Holiday Sale!

Who loves QAGS? Monkeys Took My Jet Pack loves QAGS! You should too, if you wanna be cool. You wanna be cool right? Of course you do! So go buy some!

Hex Games (makes of QAGS, M-Force, Funkadelic Frankenstien*, and other fine games) has created several holiday PDF bundles available now (right now!) at DriveThruRPG.

Check ’em out, gang!

Santa’s Big Bag of QAGS

The Solstice Setting Sampler

A Ficton Festivus

Hanukkah Horror Pack

Happy D20’s Holiday Special

Qerth for Kwanzaa

Christmas In Space!

Reindeer Games Adventure Pack

Christmas Crime Collection

Sindbad Saves Christmas

And to listen to the MTMJ gang play QAGS, take a listen to these Gutter Skypes classics!

M-Force: Sessions 1 2 3 4 5 6

M-Force: “All-Hallows Evil”


*(Hey, didn’t Josh “Magpie” Burnett write that? Why yes, yes he did.)

27 Nov

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #2: The Mystery of the Robot Box

What’s that you say? You just can’t get enough of the pulpy Wushu goodness that is Pulp Fu? Well, glad to hear it! This week, we present a Wushu game which occurred near the end of October, when Pat was unexpectedly absent. It worked out rather nicely, though, since it gave Chris (and me, come to think of it) a chance to create a Wushu character.

Grab some popcorn, because it just doesn’t get much more cinematic than…

The Mystery of the Robot Box!

Our Cast:
BlindGeek: Gamemaster
Chris: Natasha Houdini
Josh: The Magpie
Nikki: Kai the Jungle Savage

Be warned: Due to an uncertainty of what we were going to play (if anything) once we knew Pat wasn’t able to make it, there’s a pretty fair amount of pre-game banter (although that does include Chris and I creating our characters), so if you want to get to the game instantly, game-play commences at 57:29. You’ll be missing lots of fun schtuff, though, if you skip ahead like that. In any event, no matter how you choose to listen to it, we hope you enjoy the issue.

Links For This Issue:
The Gutter Skypes: Episode 70 – The game session where Magpie and Kai first appeared
Song 2 by Blur – The song Nikki thinks of whenever we mention “Wushu”
Pulp Fu – The game we play in this issue

Other Games We Discuss:
Sons of Liberty, Roanoke, Dogs in the Vineyard

22 Nov

One Game To Bring Them All…!

Who says good things can’t happen on Mondays?

This is it! The Big Event! (No no, not *that* event. We’re not at all affiliated with that TV show.) Monkeys Took My Jetpack is finally launched!

You’re just one click away from hilarity, hijinx, and a healthy heap of high-flying hominids!

There’s still some experimenting going on, both with the podcast and this blog, so please forgive the occasional oops as we go, but by the gods, a-go we are! We’re off and running–nay, flying!–and there’s no stoppin’ us now!

Nope, no hints of what’s to come here. You’ll just have to click the link above and find out. Enjoy.


The Gutter Skypes – to bring you up to speed on who all these characters are

Pulp Fu – the game we’re playing in this issue

The Wushu Wiki – One Wiki to Rule Them All (as far as Wushu is concerned, anyway)

Spirit of the Century (SotC) – The game which inspired all these Skype-gaming shenanigans in the first place

CthulhuTech Core Book – A game which is mentioned in a brief but enthusiastic discussion

Decoder Ring Theater – An incredibly awesome podcast no pulp fan should be without!

The Bugle – A funny and informative podcast recommended by our own Josh

Throwing any professionalism to the wind, I just want to say this is my first attempt at creating show notes, so if these links don’t work or if you have any suggestions on how to better structure them, please let me know.

Thanks very much, and thanks *very* much for listening to our podcast!

21 Nov

Monkeys are Imminent!

Welcome to the Monkeys Took My Jetpack website! Things are moving along nice and smooth. Issue 1 should be posted in mere days!