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Posts Tagged ‘RPG Podcast’

27 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #8: A Shady Bizness Afoot

Holy crap, the wait is over! It’s finally here!!! Our second session of Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of [&hellip

3 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #6: A Shady Bizness At Hand

Hello, and Happy New Year! Sure, it’s January 3rd, but hey, there’s a lot of year left to be happy, [&hellip

27 Nov

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #2: The Mystery of the Robot Box

What’s that you say? You just can’t get enough of the pulpy Wushu goodness that is Pulp Fu? Well, glad [&hellip

22 Nov

One Game To Bring Them All…!

Who says good things can’t happen on Mondays? This is it! The Big Event! (No no, not *that* event. We’re [&hellip