Another in our string of one-shots as, for one reason or another, each week, someone can’t make it to the [&hellip
Archive for the ‘One-Shots’ Category
Monkeys Took My Jetpack #16: E.D.: The Extradetestable
Still a bit late, but getting back on track. This issue finds us playing Invaderz: Pocket Edition, a wonderful game [&hellip
Monkeys Took My Jetpack #7: The Chris-mas Adventure, Part 2
Well, this seems to be the month of possible finalities. Last week, we had what will probably be the final [&hellip
Monkeys Took My Jetpack #5: The Chris-mas Adventure, Part 1
HO HO HO! MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Okay, okay, to those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas, think of it as a [&hellip
QAGS Holiday Sale!
Who loves QAGS? Monkeys Took My Jet Pack loves QAGS! You should too, if you wanna be cool. You wanna [&hellip
Monkeys Took My Jetpack #2: The Mystery of the Robot Box
What’s that you say? You just can’t get enough of the pulpy Wushu goodness that is Pulp Fu? Well, glad [&hellip
One Game To Bring Them All…!
Who says good things can’t happen on Mondays? This is it! The Big Event! (No no, not *that* event. We’re [&hellip