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4 Nov

MonkeyCon Actual Play: Cartoon Action Hour

Hi, gang.

We continue our MonkeyCon madness with Cartoon Action Hour, as presented to us by the Trilobite. And thank you, Trilobite, for allowing me to crosspost your recording. This was another of the games I’d wanted to be in, but couldn’t, due to other commitments–namely, running my own game, which, alas, was not preserved for posterity. So I look forward to enjoying this game with you all. And so, without further ado…


1 Nov

MonkeyCon Actual Play: Leverage, Part Two

Whew… This is it. This is all. I’m uploading this baby, and then I am going to *bed*!

Here is the second of two parts which make up the Leverage game of MonkeyCon. I’m quite anxious to hear this recording myself, since it’s a game I had wanted to attend, but it conflicted with another game. Thanks to everyone involved, and thanks for recording it for all of us to hear.

Enjoy Part Two.

31 Oct

MonkeyCon Actual Play: Leverage, Part One

Just when I thought I’d been MonkeyCon-tricked, I got a MonkeyCon-treat!

Not twenty minutes after I left the previous blog entry asking about the Leverage game, I got an email with links to it. So thanks, you-who-I-believe-are-Bislab-but-am-not-positive. You saved my bacon.

This is the first of two parts, so the next entry will be incredibly short (Blog-wise, not game-wise).

And if you’re not already, do subscribe to this man’s podcast, Of Steam, Steel and Murder. I know I’ll be doing that myself, after posting these links.

Enjoy Part One.

31 Oct

MonkeyCon Mishap?

Apparently, that’s all for our Halloween MonkeyConfectionary. I hope you feel more treated than tricked, in light of what was supposed to be posted to the feed this Halloween. Rest assured, that’s coming soon.

I thought I saw a posting of the Leverage game, but now, I can’t find it in my podcatcher anywhere. So if any of you, regardless of the game, have posted MonkeyCon recordings and they weren’t included today, please get in contact with me. It means I don’t have your recording at hand, and I want to make sure it gets posted here. You can either leave a comment below, or I can be reached at Thanks for your cooperation. Or should I say, thanks for giving me your con-sideration…?

*Ducking and running away*

31 Oct

MonkeyCon Actual Play: Zorcerer of Zo

Our third con-fectionary is something not at all unfamiliar to followers of the Jetpackless–a game of Zorcerer of Zo. However, this time, Darfo takes the helm, and an all-new cast of characters gives us an adventure to remember.

Thanks once again go to Zircher for permitting us to crosspost this recording from the Sunday Skypers.


31 Oct

MonkeyCon Actual Play: Hocus Focus – Morning Edition

And the MonkeyCon melange continues with Celine S. Sauve’s “Hocus Focus” Fiasco game, as brought to us through the courtesy of the Trilobite over at Porcellaine Llama Theater, a podcast which demands your listening time and attention with its quality. We of MTMJ thank Trilobite and everyone involved for allowing us to share in their fun gaming experiences.


31 Oct

MonkeyCon Actual Play: The Trouble With Rose

Well, okay, real life intervened once again and I have no Halloween issue for you. I hope this will make up for it: A batch of actual-play sessions from MonkeyCon, starting with this one. Thanks to Zircher for allowing me to crosspost this here. MTMJ will be a central hub for all MonkeyCon AP recordings, so if it happened at MonkeyCon, you’ll hear it here. Ya hear?

Okay, enough of that. Enjoy the game, and do yourself a favor. Subscribe to the Sunday Skypers Podcast.

Whoops. Almost forgot the download link.


25 Oct

MonkeyCon Wrap-Up Show

Hi, gang. Come Halloween, we’ll resume our regularly scheduled gaming goodness. But with MonkeyCon 0 having happened this past Saturday, I thought we’d be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the hard work, fun and frivolity that ensued with a Monkeys Took My Jetpack send-off. So here it is.

Like the feedback shows, this is pretty much just as it happened live over the Skype link. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our MonkeyCon Wrap-up show. Thanks to everyone who made MonkeyCon happen. It was, to say the least, a smashing success!

20 Oct

Feedback Show (October 17, 2011)

Don’t worry, this is not going to become a regular thing–this posting two feedback shows before another issue is posted. It’s just that my editing is lagging behind, and MonkeyCon is approaching, and I wanted to get something out before MonkeyCon … soooooo …. here’s feedback.

Thanks, Trilobite, for that cool little MonkeyCon Promo at the beginning. And beware. This feedback show is NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR CHILDREN. We earned the Explicit tag on this one. Who do I blame? Kedamono, that’s who. Want to know why?

Download the show and find out!

11 Oct

Monkeys Took My Jetpack Feedback Show (September 26, 2010)

Gotta be honest. Never really know what to say about these things. It’s a show. It has feedback. Opinions, annecdotes, banter, long pauses, umms, uhhs, stammers, a few swear words, .. this show has it all!!

So go download it, already!!

Oh, and thanks for all the feedback.

This show is dedicated, with a wink and a smile, to Celine Sauve, without whom this show would never have been possible. Or at the very least, not nearly as long.

All joking aside, we can’t tell you how much we appreciate not only listening to the podcast, but going back and catching up on even the issues iTunes no longer deems necessary to list. Please do not misconstrue our goodnatured jabbing as anything other than exactly and only goodnatured jabbing. It’s how we of hairy chests show our love.

Okay, for not having a lot to say, I certainly have said it. I’m stopping now, or this will never get posted!
