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15 May



16 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #69: Amazon Island

Hiya, folks!

It’s getting late, and I’m getting tired, so I’ll keep this written intro short and sweet. This is our 23rd Dresden Files session, and we hope you enjoy it. It’s long overdue, so download away, and let’s get to the fun!

22 Feb

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #68: Head Game

Hi, gang!

This post is long overdue. I’ve been buried under a pile of work which has left little time in my day for anything else. Good news is, since it’s taken me so long to post this issue, another is already in the pipeline, just waiting for me to put it together and send it out to you.

Things are finally starting to settle down here at BGHQ, so I don’t anticipate taking NEARLY as long to get going on our next exciting installment.

But enough about next issue. What about this one

Well, this would be our 22nd session of Dresden Files, recorded waaaaaay back on October 7th, 2013. (Yeah, I know, the metadata says July 10th, but that’s because Yours Truly was an idiot when he wrote that, but was also a lazy idiot, and didn’t want to go back and fix it once he’d already saved it.)

Enough of this prattle. Go forth and download! Share! And above all else…


17 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #67: Wizards’ Council

Hey, gang!

Got hit with a welcome but extremely time-consuming load of work, so I had to put posting this off for a while. Finally, we present to you the twenty-first session of our Dresden Files campaign. And we follow it up with some rather disturbing after-show/pre-game banter. And for those who are curious, the book we discuss as the banter begins is Strange Tales of the Century, an incredibly awesome sourcebook for Spirit of the Century, one of the most amazing pulp-adventure role-playing games ever written, in this gamer’s opinion.

Enjoy the game. Enjoy the banter. Above all…



…and Enjoy.

3 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #66: Brute Force

Hiya, folks! Back from a long hiatus, thanks to illness, holidays, and all that stuff like that there. Here we are, at long last, with the 20th session in our Dresden Files campaign. We left you on one hell of a cliffhanger last time, did we not? Right out of one of them classic movie serials from those thrilling days of yesteryear. A car was thrown … and then what? Thing’s gotta come down somewhere, right? … Or does it?

Well, I won’t make you wait any longer to find the answer to that, and maybe even another question or two. From this point on, the waiting’s on you. The link is right below. So calm that racing heart…

Download the issue

…and enjoy!

10 Oct

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #65: Book Ends

No time for banter. I’m literally doing this as I am about to leave to catch a plane.
Download and Enjoy!


The preceding was written as I was about to catch a plane, but due to being in a tremendous hurry and mistyping the password when trying to upload this to the feed, and thinking it was something more serious, I didn’t get it posted before I left. So disregard the announcement of the two-week delay in the closing remarks. That time has passed. I am home from that trip now.

30 Jul

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #63: Egg Hunt

Hey, gang!

We’re back again, and this time, we’ve got what is our 16th session of our Dresden Files campaign, recorded (Hand to God!) on July 13, 2013! Do you remember what *you* were doing on July 13, 2013? If not, don’t worry. There may be something at the end of the podcast that might refresh your memory a bit.

I think at one point during one of our sessions, I joked that at the rate we were posting these, we wouldn’t finish these till 2016. Who knew I was actually being prophetic? AAAAARRRRRRGH!!!!!!

Enough from me. Click that [Download] link, or go to your podcatcher of choice…

…and enjoy!

1 Jul

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #64: Shell Games

Hi, gang!

We’re back with another session of our Dresden Files campaign—session #17, to be exact, recorded way back in 2013. It’s an issue consisting of a pretty even split between gaming and banter (in that order), and the banter is all over the place as far as topics are concerned. Not quite as on the heels of GenCon as I would’ve liked, but still pretty topical.

Since I was unavoidably detained in posting this, I’ll stop with the written babble and cut to the pointdownload link.


2 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #62: A Little Help From My Friends

Okay, to be completely honest and truthful, this should be entitled “A Lot of Help From My Friend.” But then it wouldn’t have that Beatles familiarity quite as much, so …

In this issue, MoonDog runs BlindGeek and Thunderstep through a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition one-shot (Or is it?).

Special thanks to MoonDog for editing this issue, and doing a splendid job, too, particularly considering this is his first time out. Well done, MoonDog–very well done, indeed!

If all continues to go as planned, this is the end of the long drought between issues. And no, nobody’s forgotten about the Dresden Files game. We just figured why not put some more current stuff up every now and then? The session you’re about to hear was recorded on February 29th of *this year*, 2016! Imagine that!!!

Okay. Enough out of me. Without further ado, grab a cup, bottle, glass, or can of your favorite beverage, download the issue, and then sit back, relax…

…and enjoy!

14 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #61: Time Commandos!

Hi, gang! Welcome back!

At long last, here it is—the very first game we Jetpackless had with our own Friendly Neighborhood Trilobite. And what better way to kick things of with such an awesome GM and initiate him (although we didn’t know it yet) into the fold of Monkeys Took My Jetpack? Why, a rollicking
game of Wushu, of course! (Okay, I say that like we actually planned on a Wushu game, but the truth is … the game was impromptu, as I explain in more detail in my opening remarks for the issue.)

I post this now because I recently discovered Daniel Bayn has released Wushu: The Black Belt Edition, and I wanted to promote it in some significant way. Just as our mother podcast, The Gutter Skypes, has a soft spot for Spirit of the Century, so do we have a soft spot for Wushu. Mr. Bayn, if you’re listening, and you ever feel like running a game for some fans who think your game kicks several hundred different kinds of ass with equal aplomb, or just feel like having a chat with same, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You would truly make our year! But I digress…

I encourage, beseech, and ask you with every fiber of my being… If you enjoy this podcast in general, and this episode in particular, run—Don’t walk!—to the above link and get the Wushu Black Belt Edition for yourself. Read it. Play it. Enjoy it. Share your Actual Plays. Share your love for the game. Spread the Wushu Love! And when you find yourself stuck without a player in a key point of your campaign, or just want a diversion from your normal gaming faire … or want to try something different as a system to facilitate the stories you and your players want to collaboratively tell…

Do what we do.

Make it a Wushu night.

Okay, enough of this. You’ve waited for months.

Download the issue…

…and enjoy!!!!