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1 Jul

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #64: Shell Games

Hi, gang!

We’re back with another session of our Dresden Files campaign—session #17, to be exact, recorded way back in 2013. It’s an issue consisting of a pretty even split between gaming and banter (in that order), and the banter is all over the place as far as topics are concerned. Not quite as on the heels of GenCon as I would’ve liked, but still pretty topical.

Since I was unavoidably detained in posting this, I’ll stop with the written babble and cut to the pointdownload link.


2 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #62: A Little Help From My Friends

Okay, to be completely honest and truthful, this should be entitled “A Lot of Help From My Friend.” But then it wouldn’t have that Beatles familiarity quite as much, so …

In this issue, MoonDog runs BlindGeek and Thunderstep through a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition one-shot (Or is it?).

Special thanks to MoonDog for editing this issue, and doing a splendid job, too, particularly considering this is his first time out. Well done, MoonDog–very well done, indeed!

If all continues to go as planned, this is the end of the long drought between issues. And no, nobody’s forgotten about the Dresden Files game. We just figured why not put some more current stuff up every now and then? The session you’re about to hear was recorded on February 29th of *this year*, 2016! Imagine that!!!

Okay. Enough out of me. Without further ado, grab a cup, bottle, glass, or can of your favorite beverage, download the issue, and then sit back, relax…

…and enjoy!

14 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #61: Time Commandos!

Hi, gang! Welcome back!

At long last, here it is—the very first game we Jetpackless had with our own Friendly Neighborhood Trilobite. And what better way to kick things of with such an awesome GM and initiate him (although we didn’t know it yet) into the fold of Monkeys Took My Jetpack? Why, a rollicking
game of Wushu, of course! (Okay, I say that like we actually planned on a Wushu game, but the truth is … the game was impromptu, as I explain in more detail in my opening remarks for the issue.)

I post this now because I recently discovered Daniel Bayn has released Wushu: The Black Belt Edition, and I wanted to promote it in some significant way. Just as our mother podcast, The Gutter Skypes, has a soft spot for Spirit of the Century, so do we have a soft spot for Wushu. Mr. Bayn, if you’re listening, and you ever feel like running a game for some fans who think your game kicks several hundred different kinds of ass with equal aplomb, or just feel like having a chat with same, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You would truly make our year! But I digress…

I encourage, beseech, and ask you with every fiber of my being… If you enjoy this podcast in general, and this episode in particular, run—Don’t walk!—to the above link and get the Wushu Black Belt Edition for yourself. Read it. Play it. Enjoy it. Share your Actual Plays. Share your love for the game. Spread the Wushu Love! And when you find yourself stuck without a player in a key point of your campaign, or just want a diversion from your normal gaming faire … or want to try something different as a system to facilitate the stories you and your players want to collaboratively tell…

Do what we do.

Make it a Wushu night.

Okay, enough of this. You’ve waited for months.

Download the issue…

…and enjoy!!!!

17 Oct

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #60: A New Angle

Hi, gang.

It’s been a long and winding road, but we’ve finally arrived at Dresden Files #15! Da Boyz are back with brash banter, ready to commit hospital hijinks.

You’ve waited long enough.


…and enjoy!

6 Jul

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #59: Traffic Jam

Here we are again! This time, we present to you the 14th session in our Dresden Files campaign. Took longer than expected, but here it is. And from the Monkeys Took My Jetpack Archives, we also include this information from the iPad David Mercury got ahold of in MTMJ #58. Now, you can follow along when the information is revealed. Much of it was never spoken of in the session itself.

So, my friends, without further ado, go forth…



16 Jun

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #58: Slave Trade

It’s been a looonnnng time comin’, but I know-ow .. a change is go’ come… Ah, yes it will…

And it has. Because there’s something new on our website! A new issue! Will wonders never cease?

I said what I want to say about this in my opening remarks, and I really want to get this posted for everyone to hear, so forgive me if I cut right to the chase.

It’s monkeys.

It’s jetpacks.

It’s Dresden.

It’s us!

Go forth!



23 Nov

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #57: Coyote Powered

Told you this would be right on the heels of the previous issue.

Here’s Session #12 of our Dresden Files campaign, recorded on June 10, 2013.

I apologize for any less-than-stellar microphone or quality issues with this session. My guide dog, Zeke, decided to say hello several times while we were gaming, and was breathing close enough to my face to get picked up by my headset, and my level was quite high. I’ve done me level best to minimize the sound issues, but you may still notice, particularly since I’ve gone and pointed them out.

I hope they will not deter your enjoyment of this fun session.


…and enjoy.

20 Nov

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #56: The Gods Must Be Crazy

At long last, we’re back with some more Dresden Files! Set the WayBac Machine to June 3, 2013, and get set to experience more of what you’ve come to expect from us.


…and enjoy!

9 Oct

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #55: Snake Trail

Sounds like some kind of Western story, doesn’t it? Nope. It’s our next Dresden Files session. And about time, too! Whew! I thought this thing would *never* be ready for prime-time!

There’s probably something really important I was supposed to say here before giving you the download link and being on my way, but since I can’t think what it might have been … it’ll just have to remain one of life’s little mysteries.

Go forth…


…and enjoy!

17 Aug

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #I1: Josh de Lioncourt

The next Dresden is taking a bit longer than anticipated, so to tide you over, I have an MTMJ first: A guest interview. I sat down with Josh de Lioncourt, of Captive Souls fame, to discuss his new book, Haven Lost: The Dragon’s Brood Cycle, Vol. 1. We also discussed his writing process, GMing, and even a little Cartoon Action Hour. Not a lot of editing went into this one, since I want to devote my editing time to the next Dresden Files issue, so I hope that won’t prevent your enjoyment of this, our first interview show.

To download the interview, go here.

And to grab a copy of Josh’s book (highly recommended by Yours Truly), go here.

Until next time…
