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23 May

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #94: Demon Dog

Howdy, pards!

Saddle up, grab yer ol’ .44, and let’s hit the trail! This time ‘round, we’re fixing’ to play an impromptu session of Weird Wild Wuxia West, an extremely rules-lite game what tickled my fancy right proper! We hope y’all enjoy this Jetpack Flashback, originally recorded back on February 8, 2019.

Enjoy, folks!

15 May

No Monkeys Took My Jetpack This Week

Don’t worry, we’re not going on hiatus gain or anything like that; in fact, I want to make it so clear that we’re not doing so that I decided to post this announcement. I went out of town this week for a very routine medical thing I have to do about every six months or so, and didn’t get nearly enough work done on the episode which is to be issue #94. So rather than just put it up when it’s finished, I’ll stick this shrimp on the barbie for next Monday, the 23rd. Once I start trying to add SFX and such, this will become a biweekly podcast anyway. But I’ll give you a heads-up when that’s to become the new reality.

In the meantime, have a great week, and if you’re so inclined, go see “Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.” I know reviews have been mixed, but speaking for myself and the 14-year-old and his mom who accompanied me, we had a terrific time. Its PG-13 rating is well-earned, however, so I don’t necessarily recommend taking the wee ones before checking it out for yourself first.

Have a great week, and we’ll catch up to you on the trail in seven.

Be seeing’ you, partners.

9 May

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #93: Better Dead Than Red!

Hey there, True Believers!

(No trademark infringement intended—I just miss the guy, that’s all.)

We have a beer-and-pretzels bonanza of superheroic shenanigans in store for you in this issue of MTMJ–shape of… Hero Force! Form of… the 1PG system from Deep7!

‘Nuff said.

(Gosh, I miss you, Stan Lee.)

1 May

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #92: Super-Agers

Hey, kats and kiddies!

Not a whole lot to say here that I don’t cover in my opening or closing remarks. So let’s just get to the particulars and let you get to the super-goodness.

The one-shot is Super-Agers, the publisher is Atomic Ninja Studios, and the game system is Savage Worlds.

And this is the download link.


24 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #91: Get Her to the Church on Time

Hi, gang!

Here we are, with our final (For now!) session of Space Aces, that zealously zany RPG of sci-fi shenanigans from T-Rex Games! Sorry this one’s a little late, but I think you’ll find it was worth the wait. So because it’s past this astronaut’s hypersleep-time, I won’t make you wait any longer.

Go ahead and mash or tap that Download button…

…and enjoy!

13 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #90: Space Acers & Lace Bracers

Heya, folks.

Keeping the entry short but sweet, beause this was supposed to drop yesterday, and I’m finishing it in the wee small hours of the morning. You know, when the whole wide world is fast asleep? Er … never mind.

Anyway, in this issue, we Jetpackless present to you our second session of Space Aces. We had big fun with this one, and I hope you have big fun listening to it.


4 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #89: We’re Off To Save the Princess

Hey there, rocket boosters!

In this issue, we’re proud to present an excellent little game about…


Seriously, the game is called Space Aces, and Xofour was generous enough to share his talents as Gamemaster. So now, I’m going to share those talents with you.

It’s late, and sleep is calling to this noteworthy space-monkey, so I’m cutting my comments rather short.


…and enjoy!

4 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #89: We’re Off To Save the Princess

Hey there, rocket boosters!

In this issue, we’re proud to present an excellent little game about…


Seriously, the game is called Space Aces, and Xofour was generous enough to share his talents as Gamemaster. So now, I’m going to share those talents with you.

It’s late, and sleep is calling to this noteworthy space-monkey, so I’m cutting my comments rather short.


…and enjoy!

28 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #88: A Quick Trip to France, Part 3

Hello, my dahlinks…

Here we are again, with another frightfully fulfilled issue of Monkeys Took My Jetpack. This time, as promised, we present our concluding chapter of Achtung! Cthulhu: A Quick Trip to France!

This whole thing was my first time running the 2d20 system, and I hope to get more opportunities to familiarize myself with it. I love the way Momentum and Threat can fly back and forth, and I’d particularly enjoy seeing if we could get combat to run more smoothly. That’s more the fault of the GM, I think, than the game mechanics themselves, as I discuss in my closing remarks. If you enjoyed this adventure even a little bit, I highly recommend you grab yourself a copy and run it for your group. Or better yet, since the Player’s Guide and GM’s Guide are both available now, as was _not the case at the time these sessions were played, go one better. Grab those babies and immerse yourself in this amazingly awesome setting. To quote the great Adrian Monk, “You’ll thank me later.”

Lastly, as has been said in each of these sessions, if you have a GM who’s planning on running your group through this Quickstart, please, for the love of all the Cthulhu Mythos, PLEASE do not listen to this until after you’ve played the adventure! You will lose out on so many great surprises, and force your poor GM to adapt things on the fly once they realize you’ve been peeking. Shame on you.

Okay, enough prattle from Yours Truly. Time to click that there Download link…

…and enjoy!

21 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #87: A Quick Trip to France, Part 2

Hey, gang!

Jump in bed and cover up your head, cuz Cthulhu just might be back in town!

Okay, probably not … but what _is back in town is Monkeys Took My Jetpack, with our next thrilling session of Achtung! Cthulhu: A Quick Trip to France!

Once again, there are spoilers aplenty in this issue, so if you don’t want to know what your characters will be in for, should your GM decide to run this Quickstart, for gods’ sake, DON’T LISTEN RIGHT NOW!!!

Wait till after you’ve been through the adventure, and only then should you proceed!

Or just say to hell with it, and figure you’ll probably forget all about it by the time s/he gets around to running it anyway.

Whatever the case, whenever you’re ready…


…and enjoy!