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6 May

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #109: Star Wars – Rebel Breakout, Part 1

Hello there!

Okay, I didn’t get this out _on Star Wars Day, but I did get it out by Revenge of the Sixth. So I suppose that works almost as well.

This issue brings you a Jetpack Flashback, wherein Josh, Moondog, Trilobite and I sat down over Skype—yes, remember Skype?—to play the original West End Games classic, Star Wars: The Role-playing Game! This game holds an extremely special place in my heart, along with the Ghostbusters game which came before it. These two games are what I cut my Going teeth on. I had hoped this first adventure would turn into a long-running Star Wars campaign of some sort, but sadly, that just wasn’t to be. Still, I’m always up for the task. Any excuse to play Star Wars D6, as it’s come to be called, and I’m _so there! As a player, or a GM—the Force is definitely strong with this one!


28 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #108: Letters and Laboratories

We’ll get back on a consistent schedule soon, folks, I swear we will. At any rate, we’re back now, with our next session of Troubleshooters, wherein the plot begins to thicken. I’d say ore, but truthfully, the more time I spend writing this, the longer it’ll be before you can actually listen to this issue—so enough from me!


…and enjoy!

16 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #107: Santa and Slaybells

Hey, gang!

Don’t ever think we’ve pod-faded. We just zipped out for a quick byte to eat or something.

In this case, I just got overwhelmed by life. Okay, the truth is, I got a brand-spanking-new Sonos home-theater setup, and I’ve been spending more time than I should have watching movies in glorious sound and picture (Okay, for me it’s just sound, but hey… it’s still eargasmic!), and haven’t spent nearly enough time editing. Before I knew it, it became March!

But here we are at last. With the holiday offering that should’ve dropped three months ago!

What is this holiday offering, you ask? It’s an adventure from the game Troubleshooters, brought to us by Xofour himself. It’s action and adventure in the 1960s! I only speak for myself here when I say some of us weren’t super-familiar with the material which inspired this TTRPG, but we did our best, and we all had fun. We hope you do, too.


…and enjoy!

24 Nov

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #106: Fowl Play

Happy Thanksgiving, for those in the States!

And for everyone else, happy Gratitude Day! (Okay, I just made that up as far as I know, but I stand by it. There can’t be too much gratitude in the world.)

I know this is short, I hope it is sweet, and I hope you enjoy this no-frills, pretty-much-spur-of-the-moment Thanksgiving one-shot we’ve got for you today. This is a time for gratitude, and I know I speak for all of the Jetpackless when I say we are so very thankful to all of you listeners who continue to … listen. I’m also thankful to Pincale Entertainment Group for putting out a system like Savage Worlds, where we were able to do a decent job playing it, even without having looked at the rules in months. Yes, I know there were mistakes. Hell, I think we were supposed to give our PCs Edges, and we just completely spaced over that, but a fun time was had by all, and at the end of the day, that’s what matters.

Okay, enough typing. I gotta get this uploaded, grab a quick shower, and head out for feasting, fun and frivolity! I wish you all three of the same on this wonderful day of thankfulness.


…and enjoy!

Fowl Play

26 Sep

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #105: Pirates of the Bone Blade

Arrrrrrrrr, maties!

This were s’posed t’go out on Monday last, for then ‘twould’ve arrived in yer bloody podcast app on National Talk Like A Pirate Day! Alas, I found myself tossed about by squalls and rowdy shipmates, so th’fact that I hadn’t put this out to sea was banished from me brain by the storm winds, I’ll be bound! So, even though it be late t’port, I hope ye’ll find treasure aplenty in this issue.

If ye be wanting’ t’create yer own tales o’ adventure an’ fantasy, maybe even s’m futuristic exploits, here’s a treasure chest o’ booty t’get ye started.

Yo ho ho, me hearties!

And enjoy!!!

1 Sep

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #104: Fratboys Vs. The Chrono-Closet!

Huya folks!

It’s a short, but hopefully still sweet, issue of MTMJ this week, because we didn’t start recording till after character creation. Still, we had a lot of flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants fun in this session, and I think that comes through. So, I give you…


Courtesy of Hex Games.


23 Aug

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #100: Reunion!

It’s been twelve years in the making, and here it finally is!

MONKEYS TOOK MY JETPACK #100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I realize that I made the podcast with surprise in mind, and that these show notes will pretty much mess that whole idea up. Still, I think promoting of these people’s work far outweighs in importance the few seconds of “Oh! Wow!” you’d get from being totally surprised. If total surprise means that much to you, stop reading this, listen to the podcast, and then come back. We’ll wait.

Still waiting.

And still waiting.

Waiting some more.

Okay, I think we’re about done waiting now.

Okay, glad you’re back.

So here are links to works being done by the participants in this here 100th issue:

From Joshua Burnett:

From Patrick Murphy:

From Trilobite:


And in case you didn’t listen first, you sneaky so-and-so, there are still some surprises in store.

So go forth…

…and enjoy!

12 Aug

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #103: Justice, Part 2

Howdy, folks!

This is waaaaaaay overdue, and I don’t have time to do my usual job on these show-notes. I ask you to go to the show notes for MTMJ#102 for links, because they’re exactly the same as this one.

Except, of course, for this download link.


3 Aug

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #102: Justice, Part 1

Howdy, y’all.

We’re back again, and we’re back with Everywhen, that game of fast-paced, pulpy goodness.

Enjoy this, the first part of a two-part story. I envisioned it as having much more physical action than it did, but there’s some great character intraction here, so less action does not equal boring!

Even though I neglected to mention this in the podcast itself, I do want to acknowledge the book
Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. This is not D&D, but I did use five of the seven steps outlined to create your scenario in the creation of this adventure. (The other two were pretty fantasy-game-specific.) As someone who struggles with plot development, I found the steps and advice presented in that book invaluable!

Feel free to comment on this, or any other issue, via our Facebook page.


27 Jul

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #101: The Second First Ride

Keeping this real short, pards, cuz I’m late. This wiz s’posed t’go up yesterdy, but I plumb jest missed it. I’m in dire need s’m shut-eye.

In this’ere issue, were fixing’ t’play s’m Wild West Horse Opera, fr’m Scaldcrow Games. Er … You’ll see why the weird title once y’hear my op’nin’ comments.

With them words, I’m off t’ride th’trail t’dreamland.

Hi yo, Silver … awa …

… awa …

… uhhhhhh …
