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20 Jun

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #22: Dinner, Dancing, and Death

Huzzah!!! Hurrah!!! Yippeeeee!!! Yahoo!!! Google!!! Bing!!!! Waidaminit!!!!…

Why has prompted these enthusiastic exaltations? Why, a new MTMJ, of course! And a return to what began as a simple one-shot and is … well, still going on!

Yes, of course, I’m talking about the Zorcerer of Zo. Finally, we find out what happened when Princess Zephyr and her band of unlikely aides joined the Badger King for dinner in his palace. Were questions about Zephyr’s sisters answered? Was Jarrod misunderstood? Again? Did Thomas get his fill of chicken? Did Webster speak? These and other questions are answered herein, though some of the answers won’t be what you might expect.

At any rate, the cast is covered in the issue. And by the way, if you’re one who notices such things, I’m aware the filename is incorrectly listing the issue as #21. Sorry about the inconsistency. We will do better next time.

Enough babbling for now. Enjoy the issue.

13 Jun

New Promo from Trilobite

Okay, technically, it’s not new per se, since it aired on an earlier episode … but I said I was going to put it out on the feed for you to use and keep and cherish as we do, and I never did … so this is me making up for lost time. This promo will also be available along with all of our promos in the sidebar on the home page.

Trilobite, you rock in ways the ROlling Stones can only dream of as they continue to attempt to gather moss. Your eloqution skills make ‘Enry ‘Iggins roar with the wrath of a Tyrannosaurus Harrisonicus. Thank you ever so much for such a fine piece of writing, and such a fabulous production of same. We are both honored and flattered by it.

As for the rest of you …

Enjoy, and thanks for spreadin’ the Jetpack love.

(Yes, I was gonna say monkey love, but the images that immediately sprung to mind made me rapidly alter course.)

12 Jun

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #21: Welcome To The House Of Fun

Hey, gang. On a time crunch, as seems to occur frequently when I post these … but you’ve been more than patient, so let’s just get to it, this latest and final installment of our Bureau 13 adventure.


24 May

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #20: The House That Evil Built


We’re back, and only a day later than predicted and/or promised in the previous issue!

What are we back with? Why, more Bureau 13, of course! Come with us as we continue our investigation in Seattle, trying both literally and figuratively to find the key to that old Victorian house. You’re just one click away from adventure, intrigue, and a dash of comedy thrown in for good measure. Share and enjoy.

I tried an experiment in the way I introduce the cast. Let me know what you think. I hope it makes the task of distinguishing who’s who during the game an easier experience.

“Clouds and Arrows”
Danger Patrol
All for One: Regime Diabolique
Disney Indiana
Radio Out of the Past
Tri-Tac Games

22 May

Yo! Here comes J.I.N.G.O.!

Hey, gang, Josh here. My newest QAGS project, J.I.N.G.O. — America’s Greatest Combat Squad,  is here and ready for you to buy! J.I.N.G.O. is a QAGS setting I wrote based on the millitary action cartoons I loved as a child of the 1980s.  Leighton “Leopard Women of Venus” Connor did all the groovy interior art.  I’m pretty proud of the whole project. GO GIVE IT A LOOK-SEE!

12 May

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #19: Back To The Bureau

Keeping this entry short because I am leaving in about ten minutes and would like to get this posted before I go. It’s about damn time! Sorry for the wait. Bureau 13 is back in business! ‘Nuff said! Cast is in the issue.

Download and enjoy!

Stuff we mentioned:
Tri-Tac Games
The Spider
FATE/Evil Hat Games
Yesterday’s Tomorrows
“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”
Postmortem Studios
Solid Symbols
Decoder Ring Theater

1 May

First Of May!!

Hey there, cats and kitties!

Just a little quickie, if you will, to commemorate this most important and auspicious of days. Thank you for listening, and thank you to Jonathan Coulton, without whom this commemoration would not be possible.

Listen, love it, live it.

And if you’ve a mind to, hop on over to Jonathan Coulton’s website and download any number of fabulously awesome tunes.

Have a great day! It’s an awesome day for being outside.


24 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #18: An Easter Eggstravaganza!

I’m keeping this very brief because it’s nearly 4 a.m. here and I need to be up and active in about two and a half hours, but I wanted to make sure this was posted on time. You see, this is what happens when you don’t realize the episode you’ve been not editing is a holiday episode–for a holiday that is … TOMORROW!!!

Anyway, in this issue, we give you another one-shot, but this time, it’s Toon: The Cartoon Roleplaying game, from Steve Jackson Games. What better way to celebrate a holiday involving hiding things, hunting for things, woodland creatures, and … er … eggs? Enjoy. I’m tired and the cast is in the opening remarks, so you’re just gonna have to do without a list here.


Links In This Issue:
Toon (Steve Jackson Games)
Brunch With The Brits
That other podcast…

20 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #17: Yesterday’s Tomorrows Today

Another in our string of one-shots as, for one reason or another, each week, someone can’t make it to the game. This time, we’re playing Yesteday’s Tomorrows, by John Wick. Not since discovering Wushu have I had this much fun playing a pulp game. Much as I do love me some SotC, this game captures the frenetic pace of those 1930s movie serials better than any game I’ve seen. We didn’t get to finish our story, but we had a barrel of fun on the way. Character creation was a breeze; no cast list necessary.

Links In This Issue:
Yesterday’s Tomorrows
Wilderness of Mirrors
Zorcerer of Zo
Space 1889
Full Light, Full Steam
Hollow Earth Expedition
Stan Freberg: “Christmas Dragnet
Tim Minchin
Decoder Ring Theater
The Six Shooter
Walking Eye Podcast
Save The Villain Podcast
Tri-Tac Podcast

8 Apr

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #16: E.D.: The Extradetestable

Still a bit late, but getting back on track. This issue finds us playing Invaderz: Pocket Edition, a wonderful game which we highly recommend you pick up. At $1.99 and over 80 pages of hilarious content, you can’t beat the price. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to this issue and judge for yourself. We will *definitely* be coming back to this game, for several reasons–not the least of which being that I DIDN’T GET TO PLAY IT!!!!!!!!! Anyway, the cast is imbedded in the session, so no need to repeat it here. Enjoy.

Links In This ISsue: