Just when I thought I’d been MonkeyCon-tricked, I got a MonkeyCon-treat! Not twenty minutes after I left the previous blog [&hellip
Archive for the ‘Podcast’ Category
MonkeyCon Actual Play: Zorcerer of Zo
Our third con-fectionary is something not at all unfamiliar to followers of the Jetpackless–a game of Zorcerer of Zo. However, [&hellip
MonkeyCon Actual Play: Hocus Focus – Morning Edition
And the MonkeyCon melange continues with Celine S. Sauve’s “Hocus Focus” Fiasco game, as brought to us through the courtesy [&hellip
MonkeyCon Actual Play: The Trouble With Rose
Well, okay, real life intervened once again and I have no Halloween issue for you. I hope this will make [&hellip
MonkeyCon Wrap-Up Show
Hi, gang. Come Halloween, we’ll resume our regularly scheduled gaming goodness. But with MonkeyCon 0 having happened this past Saturday, [&hellip
Feedback Show (October 17, 2011)
Don’t worry, this is not going to become a regular thing–this posting two feedback shows before another issue is posted. [&hellip
Monkeys Took My Jetpack Feedback Show (September 26, 2010)
Gotta be honest. Never really know what to say about these things. It’s a show. It has feedback. Opinions, annecdotes, [&hellip
Monkeys Took My Jetpack #29: Dream Thiever
Hey there, hi there, ho there (Where?)! We’re back with yet another issue crammed full of action, excitement, and entertainment! [&hellip
Feedback Show (September 10, 2011)
Hi, gang. It’s a feedback show. It has … er … feedback. ‘Nuff said. Oh. Not quite ‘nuff said after [&hellip
Monkeys Took My Jetpack #28: Preparations
Hello, everyone. If you are wondering what took this issue so long to materialize, you need look no further than [&hellip