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27 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #15: Spookless In Seattle

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. It’s been two weeks since the last issue. I”m sorry. Between getting my wife ready to leave or London for three months, getting a bad cold, and rediscovering books, editing kind of got lost in the shuffle for a while. Rest assured, I’ll get back on schedule as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience.

In MTMJ#14, we saw them train. Now, we get to see them in action. Of course, I’m talking about our field agents in Bureau 13.

It was supposed to be a simple assignment: babysit Seattle while Team Freemont went on a much-needed and well-earned vacation for a couple weeks. But we should’ve known better. We should’ve known we would be fools to think we’d ever find it…

Spookless in Seattle!

BLINDGEEK: Daniel Jenson, Piano Teacher Turned Supernaturalist
CHRIS: Richard Shaw, Knight of the Templar
NIKKI: Carmela O’Malley, Vampire Hunter
PAT: Carl Katon, Ordinary Average Guy
JOSH: Book Antiqua, Psychic Hipster


Tri Tac Games/Bureau 13
Bill Hicks
Grant Morison
Talking With Gods
Josh’s T-Shirts
“Who’s Next” by Tom Lehrer
Terry Pratchett
Hex Games
Leopard Women of Venus
Dragon Age RPG


14 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #14: Surprise, Surprise

Nope, no dice, not a chance. I’m not saying a thing about this issue. Why? Well, if I did, that would render the title moot. You’ll just have to download it and find out. And while you’re at it, go ahead and download this little beauty right here. If nothing else, it’ll give you some insight into this session.

Links In This Issue:
Wait for it … Wait for it … No, literally, wait for it.

6 Mar

Leopard Women of Venus!

LWoV CoverJosh’s latest project for Hex Games is finally done and ready for your enjoyment!

Leopard Women of Venus is a QAGS supplemet co-written by MTMJ’s  own Josh Burnett with Leighton (Laser Ponies) Connor and illustrated by the same along with Linday (A Friendly Game) Honsby. LWoV explores the bizarre worlds of Golden Age comic creator Fletcher Hanks.

Here’s how the official press release describes the game:

Venus is a hellish nightmare world of hideous monsters and savage barbarians, a world that can only be tamed by the Leopard Women. Armed with comet gun helmets, radium whips, and Flying Saurian mounts, the Leopard Women stand between the human settlers of Venus and total annihilation.

Leopard Women of Venus is a mind-melting pulp science fiction role-playing game inspired by the works of Fletcher Hanks. Hanks wrote and drew bizarre and memorable work in the earliest days of American comic books. His work is boldly drawn, frequently ugly, and strangely fascinating. Leopard Women of Venus gives you the tools you need to recreate the magic and lunacy of a Fletcher Hanks comic with your gaming group.

Check it out, gang. I hope you enjoy it!


6 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #13: Here to See the King

That’s right, friends, hot on the heels of Issue #12 comes Issue #13. It’s our eighth session of Zorcerer of Zo. The dust is settling on the drama of the last couple sessions, but by no means does that mean things have settled down for Princess Zephyr and her companions. On the contrary, we may be seeing signs and portents of darker things to come. Who can say? (Well, okay, we know who can say, but he ain’t sayin’ nothin… unless we can find a way to coerce him or trick him into revealing something … but that’s what the forum discussions are for.)

BLINDGEEK: “Connecticut” Jarrod Stanwick
CHRIS: Thomas Quinn, the Big Ol’ Grumpy Talking Bear
NIKKI: Princess Zephyr
PAT: Webster the Low Spi Der (See issue)

Links In This Issue:
Zorcerer of Zo
Decoder Ring Theatre
Jane Russell
Josh’s Art Portfolio
Enies Web Page


3 Mar

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #12: A Shady Bizness on the Rise

Once again, I have to say: Better late than never. I appreciate your patience, and hopefully, I’ll be caught up in time to post MTMJ#13 by its Monday deadline. Heads up, though; Saturday is usually a prime editing day for me, and my Saturday is pretty solidly booked, so odds are that MTMJ#13 will be a bit late as well.

But enough excuses about my lack of punctuality; we have a whopper of an issue for you this time! It’s a feedback show! It’s an episode! It’s a feedback show! It’s an episode! Wait … IT’S A FEEDBACK SHOW *AND* AN EPISODE!!!!! Yes, that’s right, friends, we’ve combined two great tastes that taste great together–a feedback show from last week, and the Jetpack Flashback you were expecting–Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of Monstertown #3.

We rejoin our heroes from the Prometheus Jones Detective Agency, still looking for leads so they can rid Monstertown of a ring of drug dealers responsible for spreading a dangerous narcotic through the streets of their fair city. The funk will fly in this thrilling installment you don’t want to miss!

BLINDGEEK: Prometheus Jones, the Funky Frank himself
CHRIS: Jerome, Vampire Extraordinaire
NIKKI: Bridey Steinenfrank, Monstertown’s most radiant wrestler
PAT: Betty, the Deep One whose amazing looks are only matched by her fashion sense.

Links In This Issue:
Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of Monstertown
Hex Games
Solid Symbols
Dresden Files RPG
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space
“I say we let him go…”
Twyla Tharp


21 Feb

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #11: Shattered

Hi, gang. Here we are again, with another fun-filled issue! This time, we resume right where we left off at the end of ISsue #10, with Princess Zephyr, Thomas Quinn, Hickory and Jarrod Stanwick trying to determine the fate of Dickory. To say more would be to spoil things, so I shan’t.

Due to your Friendly Neighborhood Podcast Editor trying to make a shortcut in adding vocal effects such as reverb, some of the reverb in this issue is … well … overdone. You’ll know it when you hear it. I caught the fact that it wasn’t working and adapted, but I was not able to go back and change the stuff I’d already done. I only mention it to avoid the feedback alerting me to the fact that would no doubt flood our forums if I *hadn’t* mentioned it. I love constructive criticism, but I”m already aware of it. My apologies. Don’t worry, the dialog is understandable; it’s just more like they’re in a weird dreamscape than a cathedral. My bad. And as I said, it does get worked out.

Enough reading. Time to listen. Enjoy!

BLINDGEEK: Jarrod Stanwick
CHRIS: THomas Quinn, the big ol’ grumpy talking bear
NIKKI: Princess Zephyr
PAT: Hickory

Zorcerer of Zo
Actual People, Actual Play
Dresden Files RPG
Spirit of the Century
Meddling Kids
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park – Tom Lehrer
Sonic Legends: A Prosperous Tavern

16 Feb

Monkeys Took My Jetpack Feedback Show #3

So here’s the thing: We all sat down as a group and said, “Hmmm … we ended last time on such a great high of listener adrenaline … what could we do this week to really piss them off?” The answer? Make ‘em wait another week for the resolution of the cliffhanger. Bwahahahahahaaaaah!!

No, seriously, it was not a planned thing. I was out of town and thought I’d have easy internet access in the apartment I was utilizing. As it turned out, the internet was down until the final day of my stay … but I thought it was a problem on my end. God love this group of wonderful people I’ve come to know and call dear friends, they tried to get me connected, even checking to see if they had any Skype credits to call my cell phone, but such was not to be. So it was decided to just do a feedback show and call it a day.

Rest assured, though, the Zo story will resume next week with Issue #11.

What’s that you say? You want to actually *download* the feedback show? Oh! Silly me! Sorry. Grab it here.

Atomic Sock Monkey Games (makers of ZoZ, S7S, and other awesome games)
Questers of the Middle Realms
Ennie Awards
Indie Press Revolution


5 Feb

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #10: Fitting Inn

In a bit of a hurry, so I’m dashing this off. Apologies for the abruptness, especially on our first double-digit issue, but I really want to get this posted before I leave for my band’s gig. Anyway, it’s our 10th issue, it’s more Zo, and if you all enjoy it a tenth as much as we enjoyed playing it, then all is right with the world.

BLINDGEEK: Jarrod Stanwick
CHRIS: Thomas Quinn, the Big Ol’ Grumpy Talking Bear
NIKKI: Princess Zephyr
PAT: Hickory & Dickory

I know, I know, I could just type Thomas Quinn, but I kinda love the fact that he has that title attached to his name.

Later. God, I’m getting flakey on the show notes front! *Sigh*

(I gotcher back! – Josh)

Zorcerer of Zo
Buffy RPG (Cinematic Unisystem)
Star Frontiers
Barbarians of Lemuria
Dresden Files RPG
Ravenloft Board Game
Wings of War

And if you dug the ambient music heard in the background of the scenes in the bar, you owe it to yourself and your gaming group to check out Sonic Legends, particularly a track called Prosperous Tavern. These tracks can take your physical tabletop games to the next level, and are very highly recommended.

31 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #9: A New Kid In Town

Well, here’s where we test the dedication of our fans, because if you can listen to this issue and make it to the end without screaming or breaking something due to sheer frustration, you deserve a medal for bravery, to say nothing of the respect and admiration of all of us. Due to a SNAFU involving Audio Hijack Pro, a re-install, and a forgetful (or at the very least, nonthinking) BlindGeek, all but the first ten minutes of this issue were overlaid with static and white noise. Despite attempts to clean it up, it still left us with a barely-listenable game session. I almost didn’t post it at all, but it contained a lot of feedback that deserved to be heard, and a new character was introduced. It’s a great session, if you can overlook the horrible audio quality.

BLINDGEEK: Jarrod Stanwick
CHRIS: Thomas Quinn, the big ol’ grumpy talking bear
NIKKI: Princess Zephyr
PAT: Hickory and Dickory

Too disgusted with it to care. LOL Trust me, folks, we’ll be back up to speed for Issue #10. This was just one of those “Aw, crap!” moments in life. Ya just gotta slog through it and move on. My apologies.

27 Jan

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #8: A Shady Bizness Afoot

Holy crap, the wait is over! It’s finally here!!! Our second session of Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of Monstertown. It’s late in coming, but I hope you find it worth the wait.

Our search for the dealers in the monster-drug Shade continues, and as seems to always be the case with the Prometheus Jones Detective Agency, mayhem and chaos follow in our footsteps, you dig? Enjoy, and as always, we look forward to your comments on this blog, and on the forums as well.

BLINDGEEK: Prometheus Jones, the Funkadelic Frankenstein
CHRIS: Jerome, the badass vampire
NIKKI: Bridey Steinenfrank, Monster Wrestler Extraordinaire
PAT: Betty, the oh-so-hot Deep One with a heart of gold

Show notes forthcoming. I just want to get this posted.