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Archive for the ‘Podcast’ Category

25 Jun

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #33: Pirates and Persuasion

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At super-long last, here it is, our 33rd issue! After a much lengthier hiatus than originally intended, we’re finally [&hellip

22 Jun

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #11

This is it, gang. The last of the old, making way for the new! Starting Monday, June 25, this feed [&hellip

14 Jun

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #10

We’re in the home stretch now, gang, with two more sessions—including this one–until we get to all-new territory! So if [&hellip

8 Jun

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #9

Hi, gang. We’re back with yet another session of Captive Souls. We’re almost caught up, and it feels pretty gorram [&hellip

3 Jun

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #8

Hi, gang. Only a few more to go until we enter completely new territory. Isn’t that exciting? I know it [&hellip

31 May

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #7

Hi, gang. Yep, it’s that time again. TIme for another rollicking adventure on Captive Souls! And this time, “time” is [&hellip

27 May

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #6

Hi, gang! Long time, no see! We’re finally resuming these sessions after an extra-long hiatus. The reasons for this are [&hellip

17 Feb

Monkeys Took My Jetpack #32: One Night In Vegas

Okay, so it’s not what I said it would be–and, to be frank, it’s not what I thought it would [&hellip

10 Feb

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #5

Hot on the heels of Captive Souls #4 comes this installment of Captive Souls. Our session happened to fall on [&hellip

9 Feb

Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #4

Hi, folks. Here we are again, this time with the fourth episode of Captive Souls. This was originally recorded back [&hellip