Cartoon Action Hour – Captive Souls #1
Hi, gang. Yeah yeah, I know, I know, MTMJ#32 didn’t happen when I said it would, and still hasn’t happened. Suffice it to say that things are in a mild state of upheaval. Nothing to be concerned about; no one’s going anywhere or pod-fading or anything like that. It’s just that we aren’t playing as much as we’d like, due to real-life challenges. Alas, this has a tendency to demotivate our poor, slaving editor, and no amount of whip-cracking seems to make any difference. So in the meantime, and not just because of lack of content (See opening remarks in the podcast), we bring you the first episode of Captive Souls, as played through Cartoon Action Hour, and as run by Lioncourt. It may’ve started on the Gutter Skypes, but by cracky, it’s finishing here, and I figure we might as well start from the beginning. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t take but a few weeks to get caught up to where we left off. Think of it as a chance to catch the subtle nuances you missed the first time.
…and enjoy.