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Monkeys Took My Jetpack #87: A Quick Trip to France, Part 2

21 Mar 2022 by BlindGeek, Comments Off on Monkeys Took My Jetpack #87: A Quick Trip to France, Part 2

Hey, gang!

Jump in bed and cover up your head, cuz Cthulhu just might be back in town!

Okay, probably not … but what _is back in town is Monkeys Took My Jetpack, with our next thrilling session of Achtung! Cthulhu: A Quick Trip to France!

Once again, there are spoilers aplenty in this issue, so if you don’t want to know what your characters will be in for, should your GM decide to run this Quickstart, for gods’ sake, DON’T LISTEN RIGHT NOW!!!

Wait till after you’ve been through the adventure, and only then should you proceed!

Or just say to hell with it, and figure you’ll probably forget all about it by the time s/he gets around to running it anyway.

Whatever the case, whenever you’re ready…


…and enjoy!

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