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Monkeys Took My Jetpack #85: House and Home

18 Jun 2020 by BlindGeek, Comments Off on Monkeys Took My Jetpack #85: House and Home

Hi, gang!

Before you get into the issue at hand, do take note of the pre-issue announcement. This kind of call-out for players is what started first Gutter Skypes Mach II, and then Monkeys Took My Jetpack, in the first place. Let’s get into some seriously Savage goings-on! You can reach me at, or our “Monkeys Took My Jetpack” Facebook page.

We’re bringing you our second session of Blue Rose. This is a far more role-play-intensive game than we’ve had in the past. Not to say it’s more dramatic or anything like that; merely that we have yet to engage in combat. And that’s by no means a bad thing; it’s actually quite fun. It’s just different from our usual hijinks.

I hope this podcast finds you well in these testing times. It is my convicted belief that, in the United States at the very least, we have reached a “Corbomite Maneuver” moment, where we have a chance to demonstrate what our high-sounding words mean. Here’s hoping we pass.

And on that more-somber-than-expected note…

Enjoy the issue!

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