Monkeys Took My Jetpack #34: Beach Blanket Zo!
Hi, gang.
It took waaaaaaaaaaay longer to get here than I ever intended or imagined, but here it is. Truth to tell, I think knowing this was the last Zo issue for the foreseeable future made it very difficult to edit. But here it is. And, as it happens, I am the bearer of glad tidings. This wasn’t the case when I recorded my remarks for the issue, but we’ve since scheduled some sessions to bring our Zo campaign to at least a satisfactory close. I know, I know, I could’ve redone the remarks to reflect this, but I am notoriously lazy about such things, and really wanted to get this issue out at long last.
Anyway, knowing the above, this issue isn’t nearly as bittersweet as it was. Much more sweet than bitter. Anyway, go forth now, and downlload the issue.